Alessandro Abati's Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio website!

I'm a Data Specialist with a Bachelor's degree in Physics. I have experience as a Data Analyst consultant and I'm currently pursuing a Master's degree in AI.

Explore my portfolio to see my projects and discover how my data analysis and AI skills can benefit your organization.

Contact me to discuss future projects and collaborations using the information in the right-hand menu.

Things I Can Do

  • Data Analysis: Skilled in SQL and Python for efficient data analysis and manipulation. Communicate findings effectively through clear and concise reports.
  • Continuous Learning: Committed to ongoing learning, staying updated with industry trends and new data science tools.
  • Teamwork and Cooperation: Collaborate effectively within teams, fostering a positive and collaborative environment to achieve common goals.

A Few Interesting Projects

Here, I showcase captivating projects while working on exciting new ones. Reach out for discussions and collaborations.

2D Random Walk Simulation

The code simulates 2D diffusion through a random walk by updating the positions of particles and compares the simulation results with the analytical solution of the diffusion equation.